Daniel Vizzini

Software Developer and Math Practitoiner

While I have principally programmed mathematical, back-end code, I built this site to showcase some of my more visual work.

See my LinkedIn for my education and work histories, including publications and recommendations.

Please view the links below.

Link GitHub Description
Closed-source xmobile is a joint and proprietary venture of the College of Engineering and the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, for which I was the first software engineer. It is a mobile platform on which to preform behavioral science experiments. I built it with django, Tastypie, and Android, including geofencing capabilities, timers, persistent memory, and scalability through abstraction. I deployed it on an Amazon EC2 instance.
d3_calendar_clock is an interactive, intuitive infographic that displays hourly demand prediction over several weeks. I calculated the predictions using the Python package NumPy, and coded up the graphic shown using d3.js. (The NumPy script is closed-source.)
d3_appended_line_chart is an interactive infographic I built by combining d3.js with jQuery UI to explain what conclusions can be drawn from autocorrelograms at various lags. I calculated the autocorrelations using Python package NumPy. (This NumPy script is closed-sourced.)
pintweets.com is a hacker project I started last August. It maps Tweets using Twitter's search and users/lookup API's, along with Google's Maps and Geocoding API's to map the location of Tweet's based on their Tweeter's stated location.

Unfortunately, pintweets died after Twitter's API 1.0 was deprecated. One day I will resurrect it.
I created this site using Jekyll and my fork of Twitter's Bootstrap, and deployed it using GitHub Pages.

© Daniel Vizzini under MIT License. See the GitHub.